Welcome to 月

“The only difference between a rich person and poor person is how they use their time. 先苦后甜 or 先甜后苦? It's your choice of life!"

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

年二十九, Tuesday

快过年了,今天一早 5am 与朋友同车回马国。经过 7 小时的折磨终于抵达怡保-山城(我出生,成长,学习的地方)。 回家 10mins 就出门寻找电话卡。坐11号巴士(两条腿)20mins,哈哈。。。终于可以 ring ring 我的朋友去喝茶聊天。去旧街场喝 Old Town 白 coffee; 漫无目的/游手好闲的在极乐洞走走。 过了 6 小时,二姐/夫放工了!我得救了!见到 Marcus 才发现他长大帅了也瘦了。 最后,吃了晚餐-怡保牙菜鸡就回 Sitiawan 了。

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Short Gathering before CNY 2011

01292011, I had a short gathering with my friends in Bugis. I felt terribly shocked with the population in Singapore and understood why Singaporean hate foreigners so much. Whoops, back to my topic~ Am very happy to had my dinner in MOF, follow by an hour "ice-cream" hunting and eventually I had my first experience to enjoy ice-cream at staircase with friends. Nothing much happened that night but happy to see pretty gals, japanese obasang and a new canon DSLR "kaki". Happy new year, my friends!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A normal Saturday

I took advise from my friend to shoot photos of moving objects. After done some homework, I have my bag packed with camera and walked 20mins to a temple nearby my house. I was trying so hard to capture some special moments with attractive objects but no luck... only got 1 photo that I feel satisfied. YuitPui, don't feel disappointed and continue to make improvement. Gambateh!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Arts - 艺术

艺术是那些让我们感到轻松愉悦的东西吗?艺术并非如此简单, 艺术使我们轻松是因为它让我们感到了一种自主的力量,这种力量来自于我们自身的内在本质,而不是被任何其他的东西所强制,同时我们也因为拥有了这种自主的力量而感到一种自由、自主的 愉悦。Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way to affect the senses or emotions. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, sculpture, and paintings...